Saturday, 26 March 2011

Palafitos - Castro - Isla de Chiloe - Chile - Photos

Chiloé Island (8,394 km²),population +/- 154,000 is the second largest island in Chile after the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego. It is separated from the Chilean mainland by the Chacao Strait to the north, and by the Gulf of Ancud and the Gulf of Corcovado to the east; the Pacific ocean lies to the west, and the Chonos Archipelago lies to the south, across the Boca del Guafo. The island is 190 km from north to south, and averages 55–65 km wide. The capital is Castro on the east side of the island; the second largest town is Ancud, at the island's northwest corner.

            Palafitos: Traditional, wooden, fishermen houses on stilts

The red one is a restaurant

            Some of them are restaurants - Sopa de mariscos con palta

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